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What I Do

This is an overview of the analytics projects I work on most. Need help with a data issue that's not on this list? Let me know!

Field Experiments

I can design, implement, and analyze field experiments to measure the impact of your organization's programs. I specialize in dealing with complex and novel programs where measuring impact is particularly challenging, and I use the latest statistical methods to increase experimental power and measure even the smallest effects.

Observational Program Evaluation

When running a field experiment isn't possible, I provide alternative solutions that use observational data to understand program effects. For these projects, I use a variety of tools such as difference-in-differences, propensity score matching, and entropy balancing.

Predictive Modeling

Need to build a custom model for your organization? Whether you're predicting support for a new policy, tracking the efficacy of fundraising campaigns, or anything in between, I can deploy the most cutting-edge predictive modeling techniques to address your needs.

Your Freaky, Weird, One-Of-A-Kind Data Issue

Have an unusual issue that might be solved with creative data analysis? Please reach out — I'd love to figure it out with you!

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